In Bangladesh, we call the homestead a bari. The bari is the place where your father, grandfather, great grandfather etc was born and lived. Of course, the Stout’s Homestead is not that old. My mom and dad bought the house in 1969. However, it is home. My mom still lives there. My sisters, Maureen lives about 10 minutes and Julie about 45 minutes away. It is located on Nauvoo Road in Lewisberry, PA about 20 minutes outside of Harrisburg in a rural area.
I miss home! Especially during the fall and winter season. It would be great to breathe the crisp fresh air of a Pennsylvania winter. I grew up in this house- first grade thru high school graduation. Maureen and Julie went thru their high-school years at this house and still live very close after 38 years. I have lived in Bangladesh for ten of the last twenty years. However, in the middle of that was 8 years at home where all four boys were born.
I first came to Bangladesh in August 1987 with Mennonite Central Committee to work in Agriculture. I moved on to micro credit with World Concern in the mid nineties and then children with Compassion starting in 2003. I always think it is funny that a forty-four old man with a kids heart is still homesick. There is no question that home is where Nita and the boys are located but still good old Lewisberry calls to me. I’m not sure Nita feels the same way or the boys but we all call it home and we know where home is.
We continue to believe we are doing God’s work in Bangladesh and Asia. The picture of the Stouts' Homestead is from our visit to the states for Elliot's wedding in Oct 2007.
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