CJ- 3 years old in Pre-school one: In CJ’s Christmas Play for preschool: Norton was Joseph, Adokarley was Mary and CJ was a shepherd- he wanted you to know. The play was based on the Nativity and numbers up to 21. They went together but I can’t explain how. CJ likes preschool and especially his teacher, Mrs. Waddell. In his own words, “I like to read books for Jesus and pray God and make drawings. I like walking but ride bus number 2 with bus monitor and brothers. My favorite food is frenchfriesandketchup and chips and juice (soda) that Mashey (aunt Prova) gives to me and I can’t eat it until I get home. I like sports of soccer and basketball.”
Chad- 7 years old in year 3 (grade 2): My favorite subject is math. I like playing with my friends, David from Ireland and Joug Won from South Korea we all have long hair and love to play soccer. I really enjoyed going to a WWE event in New Jersey this summer- my favorite tag-team is DX. I’m playing Joseph in the school’s Christmas production- I have the second longest lines behind Mary. I’m taking piano and vocal with Mrs. Dawne- not my favorite. My brothers are mean to me, especially CHASE. Last January we visited a volcano in Indonesia and I got a lava rock!
Chase- 10 years old in year 6 (grade 5): My favorite thing to do is to play soccer and I really enjoy scoring goals and being goalie. Almost every week I try to sleep over at my friends’ house or have them sleep at our house. I’m friends with almost all of year 4, 5, 6, and 7 in school but my best friends are Niloy from Italy, Josh from Turkey, and Jee Hoon from South Korea. I liked visiting Stonehenge in England this summer. I miss donuts from America the most, other than family. I’m a Hawaiian/American dancer in our Christmas production this year- go figure!
Charles- 12 years old in year 7 (grade 6): I’m in middle school and part of a church youth group. In Indonesia (Jan 06) I liked Mac Donald’s, the volcano- walking on hot rocks, New Year’s eve on the beach, and snorkeling in crystal blue water. In the USA, I enjoyed my Mimi, relatives and the food. In England (Aug 06), I liked the underground, Stonehenge, London and staying at Dad’s friend’s 400-year-old pub! In Darjeeling (Oct 06), I liked seeing 3 of the 4 highest peaks in the world, all the monkeys, and the winding roads going up and down the mountains. I enjoy technology in school because we are making our own backpacks and ICT (Information Communication Technology- Mr. Issac). Chase and I are still playing guitar and piano respectively- we play/practice together with Mr. Issac from our school on Monday afternoons. This year we have learned Stand by Me, I Walk the Line, Let it Be, Rockin Robin, Folsom Prison, The Weight, Proud Mary, All Along the Watchtower, For What its Worth, Johnny B. Goode, and All Star.
Nita: I’m working on a Needle Stitch right now. The big, big difference in my life this year is for the first time in 12 years I don’t have a little one around my legs. I have 3 hours a day, five days a week with nobody in the house! My daily routine with this time is: I walk for an hour, take a shower, devotions with the Bible, read the Bengali Newspaper front to back, make lunch then go down to get CJ off the bus. CJ is usually fast asleep on the bus when he gets home. My sister, Prova continues to live with us. She has a good job with a non-profit in the Perinatal Care Project as a Data Management Officer.
Kevin (the old man): There’s not much left for me to tell you about. I continue to try to be a Godly- servant, husband, father, and employee. I enjoy the boys tremendously, and Nita and I love to do things with them. Work with Compassion International continues to be fulfilling- we are currently serving 8,000 children in 60 projects throughout Bangladesh. My theme is “Bangladeshi Children- Touching Heaven and Changing Earth.” With the current political problems in Bangladesh- my believe continues and is in the future generation. We are in a deadlock between the opposition party, party in power, and the caretaker government that is suppose to pave the way for free and fair elections in January. Moreover, to make it worst the caretaker government has called in the Army to restore peace and justice (??????). We have had numerous nation wide strikes and transportation blockades opposing the caretaker government and there does not look like any end in site. All this makes life in Bangladesh interesting, difficult, and dangerous at times!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
Please come and visit us!
Jesus is the Reason for the Season!You can contact us at:
Stout Family
c/o Compassion International
12290 Voyager Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80921-3668